Hard stop.
We started GriffonCo Minis in the fall of 2018 and have printed hundreds of thousands of models. We have sent over 20,000 handwritten cards for each order, and have read upwards of 10,000 reviews as a family at dinner. We have laughed, cried, and often cursed through working 10-15 hour days. But overall, we have felt the love from our customers over the years and our family refers to many of you by first name. We are sad to lose that.
We can no longer keep up with two full-time businesses and three teenagers growing up way too fast. We have spent months looking for a clear path to following rule our number 1, and we have finally found a clearing.
We are shifting directions with the printing side of GriffonCo. This will reduce our hands-on workload which will free up much-needed time and energy. We have upgraded our printers (most of you have noticed!) and are printing new "gaming accessories and relatable gifts" that will start to go online in the coming weeks. We will begin with dice towers, vaults, and tombs. We will be creating and introducing terrain and fdm miniatures sets with models from a few of our current designers. They will be themed gift sets that will be printed, packaged as a gift and ready to ship immediately. There is a ton of new product types on the print list, and we know many of you reasonably well enough to say it'll be fantastical, just different!
On February 15th, we discontinued miniatures and terrain.
We know some of you will split ways as we venture down this different path and that is okay. We appreciate and cannot even begin to tell you how grateful our family is for all of you. This journey has been such an adventure, and we hope to stay connected to many of you by offering a wide variety of gaming gifts, accessories, and just overall cool shit.
With this drastic change in goals we are risking a lot, but rule number one comes first - our family. We have hope that we are going to be able to focus back on what matters the most to us while we get back to having fun with the business in the process. We will keep everyone updated - reach out if you have any questions or concerns. Cheers!
Katie & Andy
(and family)